4 Simple Garage Door Repair Tips

Garage door repair issues can range from the simple to the challenging. If you're not sure whether the job calls for the attention of a professional, here are a few tips for figuring out whether the problem is a DIY one or not: Check the Tracks Many garage door problems start with the tracks that the doors roll on. It's worth taking the time to inspect the tracks for bends and dents. [Read More]

3 Ways To Tell It's Time For A New Garage Door Opener

The thought of having to exit a vehicle to open or close a garage door is a foreign concept for most modern homeowners. Automatic garage door openers have made it possible to access a garage space with nothing more than the push of a button. This convenience can be overlooked- until the automatic opener fails to work as it should. It's important that you are able to identify some signs that indicate your garage door opener has outlived its usefulness. [Read More]

Winter Will Be Here Soon: Tips On Taking Care Of Garage Door Problems And Getting The Door Ready For Winter

Winter will be here soon, and you must take steps to get things ready outside. One important piece is the garage door. Doing this will help prevent problems during the winter months. To help you, below are common problems you may need to take care of with the garage door, and how to protect your garage door from winter. Common Garage Door Problems Some problems you may encounter with your garage door include: [Read More]

Check These Two Issues If Your Garage Door Starts Malfunctioning

When garage doors stop working, it's usually because of something simple, such as a dead battery in the remote or the rollers slipping off-track. However, sometimes the problem is a little more complex than that. If you've checked the most common issues and the garage door still isn't functioning right, here are two things to investigate. Disruption in the Wiring A frequent cause of garage door problems that's not always readily diagnosed are issues with the wiring. [Read More]