Chain, Belt, And Screw: Top Maintenance Tips For Each Type Of Garage Door Opener

Motorized garage door openers make opening and shutting your garage door a snap even in the coldest and stormiest of weather. But garage door openers, like any other appliance, require some routine maintenance so that the opener continues to operate to the best of its ability. There are a few maintenance tips that apply whether you have a chain, screw, or belt drive garage door opener. If you want to perform deeper maintenance, consult your owner's manual for tips or ask a garage door service technician to come in and walk you through the best practices. [Read More]

Trouble Selling Your Home? 4 Unfinished Home Repairs That Could Be Turning Buyers Off

If buyers are walking through your home on a regular basis, but you're not getting any offers, there could be a reason—or maybe even a few reasons why. While your home might only need a few minor and inexpensive repairs, you can't rely on buyers to see your home for the gem it truly is. More often than not, buyers only see what's wrong with a house, not what's right with it. [Read More]